Thursday, October 14, 2004

I'm losing myself

It's getting hard and my bosses are getting harsh. Who do they think they are? God? A perfect God? NO, they're not, they're evils, bad evils pushing me to the ends.

I hate my bosses. As if my workload is compensated by my salary. Do they know who they are stepping down. Gosh, I'm losing myself, I'm losing my self-respect, my efficiciency, losing all te urge to do better.

I try to make each day to the best that I can, I don't even have a single time for my self... I'm almost giving all for this job, and then what?

I am the one incharge of almost all the recruitment process- from calling the applicants, administering the test, checking the exams, setting interviews, I'm the one who creates all the reports for recruitment, all reports for the timekeeping... as if I have 10 hands and 5 bodies. Then, those big bosses would just shut me like that, as if I do nothing? Damn them! What if we exchange places? At least they'll be able to understand how I feel.
I feel humiliated each day, I feel corrupted, I am losing myself.

Now, I understand why Marge left the company and left all her work to me... If I only knew, I would have not accepted this offer.

Goodthing, I got friends in here from differnt departments, and they all agree how bad my boss is. I'm sure nobody will be able to stay in her hands that long. She's the most bad person I ever met.

Lord, help me get through this. I'm really losing myself.