Sunday, June 19, 2005

Review Classes

I should focus now with my review for LET. It all begun today, Sunday. Yes, I will not be able to go to church every Sunday because of this. I need to go to my beloved University to take the review.

I'm over with my recent resignation. I should concentrate now in this review. If and only if I took the test last year, I will no longer take this burden. It seems a burden to me. Howver, of course, I do want to pass the examination.

Help me, my God!

Monday, June 13, 2005

There's no such thing as perfect in the world

I realized that the saying "There's no such thing as perfect in the world" is indeed proven once again.

Comparing my two recent jobs, I came up with pluses and minuses of each. hera are the following.

In ISB, the location and the office was very perfect. In KFC-MD, the HRMD building is too old, seem like when a big wind blow, everything will fly.

In ISB, I have all the resources I need- my own phone, my own pc, I have my own outlook and email add, I had 3 desks, everything in there. In KFC-MD, the phone is shared by the whole team of EWS, I wouldn't have my pc if I did not picked one of the old monitors and cpu's lying in the dirty room and if did not used my charm to ask a guy to install things for me, i even shared my outlook and email address with another person, I didn't even had a place to put my things. In short there was scarcity in everything.

In ISB, there were too many work, I was always pressured from the tasks and by the people around me that needed my service. Plus, I am not well compensated. In KFC-MD, there were very few pressures, and I handled them very well and I felt I receive more than the other.
In ISB, my 2 bosses were extremely bad. I even thought that all bosses are like them. Until, I met my bosses in KFC-MD, there, I realized that not all superiors are bad, there are good ones, or should I say great ones who would handle there people with respect and care. Thanks to S'Ern'z and S' Odj.

Common Denomiator of both companies? I did find friends. Lasting friends. Beautiful friendships that bloomed.

Conclusion: There's nothing perfect, something will always lack. Thus, it is something to be accepted.

"A man should turn his back in order to lead an orchestra." - S'Ernz

"Like the dominoes, if one will fall, the rest shall follow."- Will

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Last day in KFC-MD

It's my final day yesterday in the office. It seemed noisy outside but quiet inside. I prepared merienda for my despedida in HRMD, as usual, we had a small gathering in the afternoon, they all gave their final goodbyes to me.

I remember Sir Leonard's message. I just don't know why I remembered it in particular, perhaps it was common? Well, he shared "A thousand journey begins in a single step" - by Confucius.

Before time, I ip'ed him and bid my goodbye. It hurt saying goodbye. I knew things between us will never be the same once I step out of the office. I just told him that, "I will remember the rain, the umbrella and the kiss." He agreed it was something special.

The day became night, we continued celebrating my despedida in Heidz house, there we all ate, drunk, sung, danced. It was a happy time. Picture taking everywhere. Such an awesome night. A night to be fully kept in heart.

I thought it was just that until the girls of OD sung "Farewell". It was a nice song sung by them. My eyes became teary. I wanted to burst but I can't seeing their smiles. I wished that moment lasted and satayed on that forever. But, it is just a moment... in few seconds... the song ended.

My bosses gave their last messages to me. The night ended in a very special song sung by my 2 bosses- S'Ernz and S' Odj... it was "My Way". They sung it nicely. And I swear, whenever I hear this song again, they two will be the people that pop up in my mind.

The night finally ended. Today, as I write this, I'm no longer an employee of KFC-MD/HRMD/OD/EW/ER. Yet, I will always be a part of the family.