Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Seem so near yet so far

I'm counting my remaining days in ISB. I'm making the most out of every moment. I enjoy the company of my workmates, without them, I could really not stay even just for a month in this company. Goodthing, God still fills what I need. I needed friends... and that I have. The end is near, but it seems so far. Each minute that I staty in the office seems hours, each hours seem days, each day seem months... Can't wait to go.

Well, at least I was able to master my work before leaving. But, never a day my freaking bosses have been good to me. Damn. She's dangerous. Sour. Harh. Rotten. I think she's insane. Perhaps, her soul is set on fire even now, even now that she's not yet dying. Sure she'll go to hell. No doubt. That's how hurtful she is.

My parents, well at least told me that it's my decision. Of course it is. I don't want to stay and work in hell. For God sake! This job is not worth of my service. They should find other person who will they fool around and hurt emotionally.
I'm over them.

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