Saturday, January 1, 2005

New year 2005

Happy New year! It's a brand new Year!

My cousins fill my day. I don't get bored at home. I actually enjoy staying at home. At least I can watch my favorite TV shows, I can sleep anytime I want, I can talk to my friends as long as I like, I can surf the net till I surrender. I have the time in my hands. It feels so great.

What are my plans this this year? Oh well, 1.) I need to get a job- I don't want to work in Makati any longer and work for a small amount with so many tasks to do. I would like to concentrate on certain thing. For example, if I will handle recruitment, I just wanted to be assigned in recruitment- no training, no timekeeping. But oh, I don't to be asisgned in the recruitment anyway! It makes me insane. 2.) I need to take the Liscensure Examination for Teachers- my classmates took it last 2004, I was left behind because I wanted to rest for awhile that time. Oh! Time is gold! I need it so I'd become fully professional. 3.) I want to start my Master's Degree- I'm still confused of what to take but I want to start as early as now. 4.) I want to get a Driver's liscence- yeah, I should get it before I forget my driving skills.
Okay, so these are the things. I should accomplish this things this year. Help me Lord!

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