Sunday, August 14, 2005


I took the test today. I was nervous at first but I tried to calm down myself. There were some easy questions and hard questions. There were questions taken form the review classes. In General it was hard. Oh my, I don't know if I can make it.

"But my faith is in you, Lord."

I even saw Mary, Sabrina, Via and other psych majors of our University. I was unable to see new friends who I have just met in the review classes. I really do hope that we'll all pass the examination.

The result is indefinite. They did not said when it will be released. Gosh, my heart's pumping. I want to pass!!!

When I arrived home, my head was freaking aching. I was hungry and at the same time tired, so tired. My parents gave me hug and smiles cheering that we should celebrate for I've pass! Such a faith!

I have that faith!

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