Sunday, January 18, 2009


The topic for our Cell group (Single women's group) is that if we are still bonded into certain things in life. Bondage is something like being in prison without seeing bars. It's like wanting to get out of a maze but you can't. Janet said, "We should free ourselves and just leave everything to God." So the question was posted, "Are you free from bondage?"

Ouch! I am not. Though, I have given God the pains in my heart, I feel that I am still inside the invisible bars of prison, boxed with hatred for particular people who have stabbed me and who I have killed in my mind. Of course I want to get out of this feeling but it takes a zillion courage to really forgive and forget. Wounds heal but it leaves marks. I don't know the way out of the maze 'coz I'm unable to see the top view of it. I'm inside the maze.

I don't know when I can get out of it and when I can really forgive those who have done me wrong. Maybe oneday, maybe someday. At the moment, I just leave it to the hands of God.

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