Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Promise to God

Today, I finally gave God all the Glory, all the honor, all the praises, all the worship and all the thanksgiving in my life.

I shared my "First Life Testimony" at church which lasted for one and a half hour.
It felt great. I laid cups of tears during my moment while laying to the elders of our church how God moved and worked in my life.

First off, I gave the bible verse Proverbs 19:21 which states, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is God's purpose that will prevail."

Then I went on relating all the things that happened, chapter by chapter, event by event, feeling by feeling.

I told them that I'm aware that they could be bored with everything that I'm narrating but I didn't care at all, I simply care about pleasing God that moment and to glorify Him in my life.
I gave 3 things that makes your prayer requests answered. The following are:

1. Confess your weaknesses to significant people who you don't want to know what really happened. In my case, I confessed my failure to my Professor in College before I took the test.

2. Pray that particular prayer item together with the family often.

3. Write your inner desires and prayers in a tablet says the bible. So it shall come to pass. In my case, I wrote it in a piece of paper, and here in my website.=))

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