It says, I've changed 45% in 10 years.
I know I shouldn't give much thought about this test, I know well the tests accuracy (hahaha!) Though I wonder inside if I've really changed that much or that little.
Travelling back in time, 10 years ago, I was just, okay... 15 years old (that confirms my age now, huh?!).
I was a 15 year-old highschool girl- Physicaly thin but fit, emotionally unstable, intellectually hungry, socially balanced, economically dependent to my parents, and spiritually active and fulfilled.
Let me differentiate how I was before and how I am today.
10 years ago, I woke up every 5:00 o'clock in the morning, diligently prepare and go to school everyday, asked my daily allowance from my dad or mom, listened and actively participated in school activities, struggled in Calculus and Chemistry, mingled with classmates and friends inside and outside class, bullied at times and cried a lot, wrote poems, compiled songs and diary in a notebook, wished to be truly liked and loved by my crush, allowed time to pass before going straight home after school, watched television or listened to 96.3 WRock, played volleyball, talked to a particular circle of friends in my life, chatted on phone every night, studied and made assignments, sometimes argued with dad and especially with my mom, wrote and collected love and friendship letters, sneaked to go to the mall or to my friends houses, ate in fastfoods, asks my parents to bring me to the mall to shop, had little cracks on relationship with few persons, went to church every Sunday & served God by dancing, and I dreamed one day at a time.
10 years after, I wake up at 4:00 in the afternoon to start my day, diligently prepares for work, take seriously but lightly and easily the master's school, mingles with officemates only inside the office, rarely mingles with classmates in the MA, sometimes bullied but gets even and rarely shed tears, I write blogs, posts songs and diary on www.blogger.com, celebrates life and love with the person whom I love and love me in return, goes home at exact time like a ninja, rarely talk to any friends when I get home, texts those people whom I needed to say something or send quoted messages to those who've sent me some, checks email and multiple social networking accounts, play computer games, appreciates every time I spend with my dad and loves chatting with my mom before she leaves home and before I go to sleep, gives house allowance to my mom and dad, can tell my parents to go to any place I want to but rather I usually choose to stay home, eats in expensive restaurants, invites my parents to go to the mall and shop or sometimes I just shop for them, have several broken and totally damaged relationships, sleeps every Sunday morning, and often dream big things for the future.
Now, I'm already 25 years old- Physically voluptuous but weak, Emotionally semi-stable, intellectually hungry at times, socially unbalanced, economically independent, spiritually starving and dehydrated.
They say that, "Nobody gets everything in life." It's a cliche. But yes, thinking it over, you get some, you lose some... you really can't have everything!!! (take note of the 3 exclamation points!)
With all the changes and turnovers that happened in my life... I believe that I'm still the same person. Though I lost and gained some things... I'm still the sweet, bubbly, who fights for what I know is right, the moody one at times, the most appreciative, the dependable, the crybaby, the dreamer, the achiever, the good daughter, the good friend, the loyal lover and the one who still highly believes and adores God in spite all the trials.
Time hasn't totally changed me, I'm still me... the me that I love.

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