I want the latest Ipod Shuffle-4GB. So small so cute!

I want this extra-thin fabulous Apple laptop. Perfect for my upcoming thesis!

I want a PSP. I could have gotten one if I have just told my dad or mom. But I don't want them to spend money for my luxury. I want to buy this out of my own pocket. Alright, I know I could have already bought one for myself... but... I'm a self-confessed "kuripot" for myself. I'm still in agony thinking if I should buy one.

I need to buy one because my cam is not working.

I want to buy stocks in the market.

I want to buy the lot of my Elementary School.

I want to go to Baguio with my Hone... soon!

I want to go to Palawan with my Mom and Dad... and take lovely pictures with them.

I want to go to HongKong. I know it's coming by September, but I just can't wait. I want the Comprehensive Exam to be over so I can rest, relax and shop.

I also want to explore Singapore. It's a perfect gift for myself on my next birthday which happens next year. Lastly,
I want my Hone to start his training, so we could start out our plans for the family that we will build.
I have never been so materialistic all my life 'coz my parents have taught me to be thankful for whatever I have. But now, I just simply want to have these things, they're all attainable anyway! I don't know if it'll all make me happy, maybe somehow, partly or maybe yes.
Am I asking too much?

This is such a cool blog. I love it and I look forward to more :D
Hi Rofle, thanks for your comment!
You're welcome in my world.:P
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