Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fixing a broken relationship with a Pastor

I do not blog a lot of things about it but since Augustlast year I had a gap with our church pastor because he believed those who were not credible enough. He chose them over me. He chose quantity over quality.

As my mom informed me yesternight when we arrived home that his eyes were now opened to the reality, my heart was tapped trying to give me in with my mom's request to go back in the church... now, I gave her the freedom to back in the very same local church we used to worship.

Today, in the afternoon, the said pastor and an elder in church went to our home to borrow our van. They caught us during our bonding time together singing along. When I saw him, all the hurtful feelings I had was instantly removed, all I can render was smile. I'm freed. It's as if nothing happened.

We haven't talked yet but I guess it's God fixing and mending my broken relationship, why should i resist?

It's just timely that it's Easter as well!:)

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