Friday, April 18, 2008


I claimed my classcards today, expecting a 4.00, a 3.5 and a 3.00.

Did I get everything I expect considering all the sleepless nights and sacrifes I had?


I got no 4.00.

What I got were only one 3.5 and two 3.00.

Honestly, I think it wasn't fair for me.

I did the best that I can. My parents can prove that. My Hone as well.

If I wasn't able to get a 4.00, at least the other shouldn't be a 3.00 alone.

I feel disappointed as it ruined my standing.

I'm aiming to get an honor and it feels bad.

I mean, I'm doing the bests that I can... but why my efforts are not given back?

Today's maybe not just a good day! I could have even died because of the stupid bus. It's a long story that crumples my heart whenever I tell so I will not anymore.

I just thank God that He saved my life... thinking it over again, I'm still blessed, coz I'm given a chance to continue living and exert more effort in the next terms.

Lord, teach me to accept these things. It's really quite hard for me now, but with your help, I know I can.

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