Sunday, May 6, 2007

Genie in a Bottle

What will you do if you ever find a bottle with a genie inside? What if the genie gives you three wishes. What will you wish for? Will you also wish for wealth, power and freedom of the genie like Aladin did wish? Or you would simply wish all for your own? Before the the genie utter the words "Your wish is my command." Will you really not regret?

Given a chance to meet a genie, First, I will wish for wealth and material possessions so I may be able to share it to the poor and needy which will eventually make me happy. Second, I will wish that all people in world would know Christ and accept Him as a personal Lord and savior. In that case, all people will be good. Lastly, I will wish that I'd become a part of the ocean when I die so people will often remember me not just on summers but in all seasons of the world.

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